# 🧶 knitwork
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Utilities to generate JavaScript code.
## Install
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# ✨ Auto-detect
npx nypm install knitwork
# npm
npm install knitwork
# yarn
yarn add knitwork
# pnpm
pnpm install knitwork
# bun
bun install knitwork
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**ESM** (Node.js, Bun)
import {} from "knitwork";
**CommonJS** (Legacy Node.js)
const {} = require("knitwork");
**CDN** (Deno, Bun and Browsers)
import {} from "https://esm.sh/knitwork";
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<!-- automd:jsdocs src=./src/index.ts -->
## ESM
### `genDynamicImport(specifier, options)`
Generate an ESM dynamic `import()` statement.
### `genExport(specifier, exports?, options)`
Generate an ESM `export` statement.
### `genImport(specifier, imports?, options)`
Generate an ESM `import` statement.
genImport("pkg", "foo");
// ~> `import foo from "pkg";`
genImport("pkg", ["foo"]);
// ~> `import { foo } from "pkg";`
genImport("pkg", ["a", "b"]);
// ~> `import { a, b } from "pkg`;
genImport("pkg", [{ name: "default", as: "bar" }]);
// ~> `import { default as bar } from "pkg`;
genImport("pkg", [{ name: "foo", as: "bar" }]);
// ~> `import { foo as bar } from "pkg`;
genImport("pkg", "foo", { attributes: { type: "json" } });
// ~> `import foo from "pkg" with { type: "json" };
genExport("pkg", "foo");
// ~> `export foo from "pkg";`
genExport("pkg", ["a", "b"]);
// ~> `export { a, b } from "pkg";`
// export * as bar from "pkg"
genExport("pkg", { name: "*", as: "bar" });
// ~> `export * as bar from "pkg";`
### `genTypeImport(specifier, imports, options)`
Generate an ESM `import type` statement.
## Serialization
### `genArrayFromRaw(array, indent, options)`
Serialize an array to a string.
genArrayFromRaw([1, 2, 3])
// ~> `[1, 2, 3]`
### `genObjectFromRaw(object, indent, options)`
Serialize an object to a string.
genObjectFromValues({ foo: "bar", test: '() => import("pkg")' })
// ~> `{ foo: bar, test: () => import("pkg") }`
### `genObjectFromRawEntries(array, indent, options)`
Serialize an array of key-value pairs to a string.
### `genObjectFromValues(obj, indent, options)`
Serialize an object to a string.
genObjectFromValues({ foo: "bar" })
// ~> `{ foo: "bar" }`
## String
### `escapeString(id)`
Escape a string for use in a javascript string.
### `genSafeVariableName(name)`
Generate a safe javascript variable name.
### `genString(input, options)`
Generate a string with double or single quotes and handle escapes.
## Typescript
### `genAugmentation(specifier)`
Generate typescript `declare module` augmentation.
### `genInlineTypeImport(specifier, name, options)`
Generate an typescript `typeof import()` statement for default import.
### `genInterface(name, contents?, options, indent)`
Generate typescript interface.
### `genTypeExport(specifier, imports, options)`
Generate a typescript `export type` statement.
### `genTypeObject(object, indent)`
Generate typescript object type.
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## Contribution
<summary>Local development</summary>
- Clone this repository
- Install the latest LTS version of [Node.js](https://nodejs.org/en/)
- Enable [Corepack](https://github.com/nodejs/corepack) using `corepack enable`
- Install dependencies using `bun install`
- Run tests using `bun dev`
## License
<!-- automd:contributors license=MIT author="pi0,danielroe" -->
Published under the [MIT](https://github.com/unjs/knitwork/blob/main/LICENSE) license.
Made by [@pi0](https://github.com/pi0), [@danielroe](https://github.com/danielroe) and [community](https://github.com/unjs/knitwork/graphs/contributors) 💛
<a href="https://github.com/unjs/knitwork/graphs/contributors">
<img src="https://contrib.rocks/image?repo=unjs/knitwork" />
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_🤖 auto updated with [automd](https://automd.unjs.io)_
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