# Serverless Functions API
A Node.js module that implements the runtime API for serverless functions. It translates between the API defined by Netlify and the API expected by the underlying provider, AWS Lambda.
## The API
The API surface is quite minimal: functions are comprised of handlers that receive a [Request](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/Request) and return a [Response](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/Response), using the default export.
export default async (req) => new Response(`Responding to ${req.url}`)
## The module
The module exports a `getLambdaHandler` function that returns a Lambda-compatible handler. This handler receives a Lambda event, converts it to a Netlify API input (i.e. an instance of the standard `Request` and a `context` object), executes the function, and converts the result back into a response compatible with the Lambda API.
The source is bundled into a single file, so that it can be injected into a Lambda without any additional imports or dependencies.
The `getPath` export returns the absolute path to the module. This lets consumers like `zip-it-and-ship-it` easily include the file in a ZIP.