# markdown-it-task-lists
A [markdown-it](https://www.npmjs.com/package/markdown-it) plugin to create GitHub-style [task lists](https://github.com/blog/1825-task-lists-in-all-markdown-documents)
## What it does
- Builds [task/todo lists](https://github.com/blog/1825-task-lists-in-all-markdown-documents) out of markdown lists with items starting with `[ ]` or `[x]`.
- Nothing else
### Why is this useful?
When you have markdown documentation with checklists, rendering HTML checkboxes
out of the list items looks nicer than the raw square brackets.
## Installation
npm install markdown-it-task-lists
## Usage
Use it the same as a normal markdown-it plugin:
var md = require('markdown-it');
var taskLists = require('markdown-it-task-lists');
var parser = md().use(taskLists);
var result = parser.render(...); // markdown string containing task list items
The rendered checkboxes are disabled; to change this, pass a truthy value into
the `enabled` property of the plugin options:
var parser = md().use(taskLists, {enabled: true});
If you'd like to wrap the rendered list items in a `<label>` element for UX
purposes, pass a truthy value to the `label` property of the plugin options:
var parser = md().use(taskLists, {label: true});
To add the label after the checkbox pass a truthy value to `labelAfter` property:
var parser = md().use(taskLists, {label: true, labelAfter: true});
**Note:** This option does require the `label` option to be truthy.
The options can be combined, of course.
### Browser Usage
If you use one of the versions of this module available in `dist/` directly in
a browser by including it with a `<script>` element, it will be available
globally in `window.markdownitTaskLists`.
## Tests
npm install
npm test
## License