# check-types.js
A little JavaScript library
for asserting types
and values.
* [Why would I want that?](#why-would-i-want-that)
* [How little is it?](#how-little-is-it)
* [How do I install it?](#how-do-i-install-it)
* [How do I use it?](#how-do-i-use-it)
* [Loading the library](#loading-the-library)
* [Calling the exported functions](#calling-the-exported-functions)
* [General predicates](#general-predicates)
* [String predicates](#string-predicates)
* [Number predicates](#number-predicates)
* [Boolean predicates](#boolean-predicates)
* [Object predicates](#object-predicates)
* [Array predicates](#array-predicates)
* [Date predicates](#date-predicates)
* [Function predicates](#function-predicates)
* [Modifiers](#modifiers)
* [Batch operations](#batch-operations)
* [Some examples](#some-examples)
* [Are there TypeScript definitions?](#are-there-typescript-definitions)
* [Where can I use it?](#where-can-i-use-it)
* [What changed from 7.x to 8.x?](#what-changed-from-7x-to-8x)
* [What changed from 6.x to 7.x?](#what-changed-from-6x-to-7x)
* [What changed from 5.x to 6.x?](#what-changed-from-5x-to-6x)
* [What changed from 4.x to 5.x?](#what-changed-from-4x-to-5x)
* [What changed from 3.x to 4.x?](#what-changed-from-3x-to-4x)
* [What changed from 2.x to 3.x?](#what-changed-from-2x-to-3x)
* [What changed from 1.x to 2.x?](#what-changed-from-1x-to-2x)
* [What changed from 0.x to 1.x?](#what-changed-from-0x-to-1x)
* [How do I set up the build environment?](#how-do-i-set-up-the-build-environment)
* [What license is it released under?](#what-license-is-it-released-under)
## Why would I want that?
Writing explicit conditions
in your functions
to check arguments
and throw exceptions
is a task that
swiftly becomes tiresome
and adds complexity
to your codebase.
The purpose of check-types.js
is to remove this burden
from JavaScript application developers
in an efficient and robust manner,
abstracted by a simple API.
## How little is it?
20 kb unminified with comments, 5.7 kb minified, 2.1 kb minified + gzipped.
## How do I install it?
Via npm:
npm i check-types --save
Or if you just want the git repo:
git clone git@gitlab.com:philbooth/check-types.js.git
If you're into
other package managers,
it is also available
from Bower, Component and Jam.
## How do I use it?
### Loading the library
If you are running in
or another CommonJS-style
you can `require`
check-types like so:
var check = require('check-types');
It also the supports
the AMD-style format
preferred by Require.js.
If you are
including check-types.js
with an HTML `<script>` tag,
or neither of the above environments
are detected,
it will export the interface globally as `check`.
### Calling the exported functions
Once you've loaded the library
in your application,
a whole bunch of functions are available
to call.
Most of the functions
are predicates,
which can be executed
in a number of different contexts:
* `check.xxx(thing)`:
These functions are basic predicates,
returning true or false
depending on the type and value of `thing`.
* `check.not.xxx(thing)`:
The `not` modifier
negates predicates,
returning `true` if the predicate returns `false`
and `false` if the predicate returns `true`.
It is also itself a function,
which simply returns
the negation of
its argument.
* `check.maybe.xxx(thing)`:
The `maybe` modifier
tweaks predicates to
return `true` if `thing` is `null` or `undefined`,
otherwise their normal result
is returned.
It is also itself a function,
which returns `true`
when its argument is `null` or `undefined`,
otherwise it returns its argument.
* `check.assert.xxx(thing, message)`:
The `assert` modifier
changes predicates
to throw when their result is `false`,
otherwise it returns `thing`.
It can be applied
to the `not` and `maybe` modifiers
using the forms
`check.assert.not.xxx(thing, message)` and
`check.assert.maybe.xxx(thing, message)`.
It is also itself a function,
which simply throws
when its argument is false.
* `check.array.of.xxx(thing)`:
The `array.of` modifier
first checks that
it is operating on an array
and then applies
the modified predicate
to each item
of the array.
If the predicate fails
for any item,
it returns `false`,
otherwise it returns `true`.
It can also be prefixed
by other modifiers,
so `check.maybe.array.of`,
`check.assert.maybe.array.of` and
all work
as you would expect
them to.
* `check.arrayLike.of.xxx(thing)`:
The `arrayLike.of` modifier
is synonymous with `array.of`,
except it operates on array-like objects.
* `check.iterable.of.xxx(thing)`:
The `iterable.of` modifier
is synonymous with `array.of`,
except it operates on iterables.
* `check.object.of.xxx(thing)`:
The `object.of` modifier
is synonymous with `array.of`,
except it operates on an object's properties.
Additionally, there are some batch operations
to help you apply predicates
to each value
of an array or object.
These are implemented by
`check.any` and
#### General predicates
* `check.equal(thing, thang)`:
Returns `true`
if `thing === thang`,
`false` otherwise.
* `check.null(thing)`:
Returns `true`
if `thing` is `null`,
`false` otherwise.
* `check.undefined(thing)`:
Returns `true`
if `thing` is `undefined`,
`false` otherwise.
* `check.assigned(thing)`:
Returns `true`
if `thing` is not
`null` or `undefined`,
`false` otherwise.
* `check.primitive(thing)`:
Returns `true`
if `thing` is a primitive type,
`false` otherwise.
Primitive types are
`null`, `undefined`, booleans, numbers, strings and symbols.
* `check.hasLength(thing, value)`:
Returns `true`
if `thing` has a length property
that equals `value`,
`false` otherwise.
#### String predicates
* `check.string(thing)`:
Returns `true`
if `thing` is a string,
`false` otherwise.
* `check.emptyString(thing)`:
Returns `true`
if `thing` is the empty string,
`false` otherwise.
* `check.nonEmptyString(thing)`:
Returns `true`
if `thing` is a non-empty string,
`false` otherwise.
* `check.contains(thing, substring)`:
Returns `true`
if `thing` is a string
that contains `substring`,
`false` otherwise.
* `check.match(thing, regex)`:
Returns `true`
if `thing` is a string
that matches `regex`,
`false` otherwise.
#### Number predicates
* `check.number(thing)`:
Returns `true`
if `thing` is a number,
`false` otherwise.
Note that
are not considered numbers here.
* `check.integer(thing)`:
Returns `true`
if `thing` is an integer,
`false` otherwise.
* `check.zero(thing)`:
Returns `true`
if `thing` is zero,
`false` otherwise.
* `check.infinity(thing)`:
Returns `true`
if `thing` is positive or negative infinity,
`false` otherwise.
* `check.greater(thing, value)`:
Returns `true` if `thing` is a number
greater than `value`,
`false` otherwise.
* `check.greaterOrEqual(thing, value)`:
Returns `true` if `thing` is a number
greater than or equal to `value`,
`false` otherwise.
* `check.less(thing, value)`:
Returns `true` if `thing` is a number
less than `value`,
`false` otherwise.
* `check.lessOrEqual(thing, value)`:
Returns `true` if `thing` is a number
less than or equal to `value`,
`false` otherwise.
* `check.between(thing, a, b)`:
Returns `true` if `thing` is a number
between `a` and `b`
(excluding `a` and `b`),
`false` otherwise.
The arguments `a` and `b`
may be in any order,
it doesn't matter
which is greater.
* `check.inRange(thing, a, b)`:
Returns `true` if `thing` is a number
in the range `a` .. `b`
(including `a` and `b`),
`false` otherwise.
The arguments `a` and `b`
may be in any order,
it doesn't matter
which is greater.
* `check.positive(thing)`:
Returns `true` if `thing` is a number
greater than zero,
`false` otherwise.
* `check.negative(thing)`:
Returns `true`
if `thing` is a number
less than zero,
`false` otherwise.
* `check.odd(thing)`:
Returns `true`
if `thing` is an odd number,
`false` otherwise.
* `check.even(thing)`:
Returns `true`
if `thing` is an even number,
`false` otherwise.
#### Boolean predicates
* `check.boolean(thing)`:
Returns `true`
if `thing` is a boolean,
`false` otherwise.
#### Object predicates
* `check.object(thing)`:
Returns `true`
if `thing` is a plain-old JavaScript object,
`false` otherwise.
* `check.emptyObject(thing)`:
Returns `true`
if `thing` is an empty object,
`false` otherwise.
* `check.nonEmptyObject(thing)`:
Returns `true`
if `thing` is a non-empty object,
`false` otherwise.
* `check.instanceStrict(thing, prototype)`:
Returns `true`
if `thing` is an instance of `prototype`,
`false` otherwise.
* `check.instance(thing, prototype)`:
Returns `true`
if `thing` is an instance of `prototype`,
`false` otherwise.
Falls back to testing
`constructor.name` and `Object.prototype.toString`
if the `instanceof` test fails.
* `check.like(thing, duck)`:
Duck-typing checker.
Returns `true`
if `thing` has all of the properties of `duck`,
`false` otherwise.
#### Array predicates
* `check.array(thing)`:
Returns `true`
if `thing` is an array,
`false` otherwise.
* `check.emptyArray(thing)`:
Returns `true`
if `thing` is an empty array,
`false` otherwise.
* `check.nonEmptyArray(thing)`:
Returns `true`
if `thing` is a non-empty array,
`false` otherwise.
* `check.arrayLike(thing)`:
Returns `true`
if `thing` has a numeric length property,
`false` otherwise.
* `check.iterable(thing)`:
Returns `true`
if `thing` implements the iterable protocol,
`false` otherwise.
In pre-ES6 environments,
this predicate falls back
to `arrayLike` behaviour.
* `check.includes(thing, value)`:
Returns `true`
if `thing` includes `value`,
`false` otherwise.
#### Date predicates
* `check.date(thing)`:
Returns `true`
if `thing` is a valid date,
`false` otherwise.
#### Function predicates
* `check.function(thing)`:
Returns `true`
if `thing` is a function,
`false` otherwise.
#### Modifiers
* `check.not(value)`:
Returns the negation
of `value`.
* `check.not.xxx(...)`:
Returns the negation
of the predicate.
* `check.maybe(value)`:
Returns `true`
if `value` is `null` or `undefined`,
otherwise it returns `value`.
* `check.maybe.xxx(...)`:
Returns `true`
if `thing` is `null` or `undefined`,
otherwise it propagates
the return value
from its predicate.
* `check.array.of.xxx(value)`:
Returns `true`
if `value` is an array
and the predicate is true
for every item.
Also works with the `not` and `maybe` modifiers.
* `check.arrayLike.of.xxx(thing)`:
The `arrayLike.of` modifier
is synonymous with `array.of`,
except it operates on array-like objects.
* `check.iterable.of.xxx(thing)`:
The `iterable.of` modifier
is synonymous with `array.of`,
except it operates on iterables.
* `check.object.of.xxx(thing)`:
The `object.of` modifier
is synonymous with `array.of`,
except it operates on an object's properties.
* `check.assert(value, message, ErrorType)`:
Throws a `TypeError`
if `value` is *falsy*,
otherwise it returns `value`.
`message` and `ErrorType`
are optional arguments
that control
the message and type
of the thrown error object.
* `check.assert.xxx(...)`:
Throws a `TypeError`
if the predicate returns false,
otherwise it returns the subject value.
The last two arguments
are an optional message and error type
that control
the message and type
of the thrown error object.
Also works with the `not`, `maybe` and `...of` modifiers.
#### Batch operations
* `check.map(things, predicates)`:
Maps each value from the `things` array or object
to the corresponding predicate
and returns the array or object of results.
Passing a single predicate
instead of an array or object
maps all of the values
to the same predicate.
* `check.all(results)`:
Returns `true`
if all the result values are true
in an array or object
returned by `map`.
* `check.any(results)`:
Returns `true`
if any result value is true
in an array or object
returned by `map`.
#### Some examples
// Returns false
// Returns true
// Returns true
check.assert.like({ foo: 'bar' }, { baz: 'qux' });
// Throws `new TypeError('Invalid type')`
check.assert.not.like({ foo: 'bar' }, { baz: 'qux' });
// Doesn't throw, returns `{ foo: 'bar' }`
check.assert.maybe.like(undefined, { foo: 'bar' });
// Doesn't throw, returns `undefined`
check.assert(myFunction(), 'Something went wrong', CustomError);
// Throws `new CustomError('Something went wrong')` if myFunction returns `false`
check.map([ 'foo', 'bar', '' ], check.nonEmptyString);
// Returns [ true, true, false ]
foo: 2,
bar: { baz: 'qux' }
}, {
foo: check.odd,
bar: { baz: check.nonEmptyString }
// Returns { foo: false, bar: { baz: true } }
{ foo: 0, bar: '' },
{ foo: check.number, bar: check.string }
// Returns true
[ 1, 2, 3, '' ],
// Returns true
## Are there TypeScript definitions?
Thanks to [@idchlife](https://github.com/idchlife),
type definitions [were added](https://github.com/DefinitelyTyped/DefinitelyTyped/commit/d19ddb855dea08105a3d7450a98696c7bcd62f60)
to [DefinitelyTyped].
You can add them to your project
via npm:
npm i @types/check-types --save-dev
## Where can I use it?
As of version 2.0,
this library no longer supports ES3.
That means you can't use it
in IE 7 or 8.
Everywhere else should be fine.
If those versions of IE
are important to you,
worry not!
The 1.x versions
all support old IE
and any future 1.x versions
will adhere to that too.
See the [releases]
for more information.
## What changed from 7.x to 8.x?
Breaking changes
were made to the API
in version 8.0.0.
the `apply` batch operation was removed
and `map` was instead changed
to work with both arrays and objects,
to simplify the API surface.
See the [history][history8]
for more details.
## What changed from 6.x to 7.x?
Breaking changes
were made to the API
in version 7.0.0.
the `instance` predicate
was renamed to `instanceStrict`
and the `builtIn` and `userDefined` predicates
were combined to form
a new `instance` predicate.
See the [history][history7]
for more details.
## What changed from 5.x to 6.x?
Breaking changes
were made to the API
in version 6.0.0.
the `either` modifier was removed.
calling code can use
the `any` function,
or simply express the boolean logic
in JS.
See the [history][history6]
for more details.
## What changed from 4.x to 5.x?
Breaking changes
were made to the API
in version 5.0.0.
the predicates `isMap` and `error` were removed
in favour of the new predicate `builtIn`,
which can be used to test for
all built-in objects.
See the [history][history5]
for more details.
## What changed from 3.x to 4.x?
Breaking changes
were made to the API
in version 4.0.0.
the predicate `unemptyString`
was renamed to `nonEmptyString`
and the predicate `error`
was changed to support
derived Error objects.
See the [history][history4]
for more details.
## What changed from 2.x to 3.x?
Breaking changes
were made to the API
in version 3.0.0.
the predicate `length`
was renamed to `hasLength`
and the predicate `webUrl`
was removed.
See the [history][history3]
for more details.
## What changed from 1.x to 2.x?
Breaking changes
were made to the API
in version 2.0.0.
* Support for ES3 was dropped
* The predicates `gitUrl`, `email` and `floatNumber` were removed.
* `verify` was renamed to `assert`.
* `nulled` was renamed to `null`.
* `oddNumber` was renamed to `odd`.
* `evenNumber` was renamed to `even`.
* `positiveNumber` was renamed to `positive`.
* `negativeNumber` was renamed to `negative`.
* `intNumber` was renamed to `integer`.
* `bool` was renamed to `boolean`.
* `defined` was swapped to become `undefined`.
* `webUrl` was tightened to reject more cases.
See the [history][history2]
for more details.
## What changed from 0.x to 1.x?
Breaking changes
were made to the API
in version 1.0.0.
all of the predicates
were renamed
from `check.isXxxx`
to `check.xxx` and
all of the verifiers
were renamed
from `check.verifyXxxx`
to `check.verify.xxx`.
See the [history][history1]
for more details.
## How do I set up the build environment?
The build environment relies on
[UglifyJS] and
Assuming that you already have Node.js and NPM set up,
you just need to run `npm install` to
install all of the dependencies as listed in `package.json`.
The unit tests are in `test/check-types.js`.
You can run them with the command `npm test`.
To run the tests in a web browser,
open `test/check-types.html`.
## What license is it released under?
[definitelytyped]: https://github.com/DefinitelyTyped/DefinitelyTyped
[releases]: https://gitlab.com/philbooth/check-types.js/tags
[history8]: HISTORY.md#anchor-800
[history7]: HISTORY.md#anchor-70
[history6]: HISTORY.md#anchor-60
[history5]: HISTORY.md#anchor-50
[history4]: HISTORY.md#anchor-40
[history3]: HISTORY.md#anchor-30
[history2]: HISTORY.md#anchor-20
[history1]: HISTORY.md#anchor-10
[node]: http://nodejs.org/
[npm]: https://npmjs.org/
[jshint]: https://github.com/jshint/node-jshint
[mocha]: http://mochajs.org/
[chai]: http://chaijs.com/
[uglifyjs]: https://github.com/mishoo/UglifyJS
[please-release-me]: https://gitlab.com/philbooth/please-release-me
[license]: https://gitlab.com/philbooth/check-types.js/blob/master/COPYING