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# vue-markdown-it
## Description
A simple Vue wrapper around [markdown-it](https://github.com/markdown-it/markdown-it), based on [vue-markdown](https://github.com/miaolz123/vue-markdown).
### Security
Vue-markdown-it is intended to be secure by default, so HTML tags and images are not allowed.
To further increase security and privacy, the attributes ```target=_blank```, ```rel=noopener noreferrer``` and ```referrerpolicy=no-referrer``` are automatically added to URLs.
Adding ```rel=noopener``` ensures that the ```window.opener``` API [cannot be exploited](https://mathiasbynens.github.io/rel-noopener/) to tamper with the originating document.
It should always be used with untrusted links.
Adding ```rel=noreferrer``` prevents the browser to send your page's address, or other values, as referrer via the ```Referer``` [HTTP header](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/HTTP/Headers/Referer).
The ```Referer``` header has the potential to reveal information about the browsing history of the user, which is a privacy concern.
As such ```rel=noreferrer``` should also be used with untrusted links.
Adding ```referrerpolicy=no-referrer``` has the same effect as ```rel=noreferrer``` with the current setting, but the
[referrer-policy specification](https://www.w3.org/TR/referrer-policy/) allows more fine-grained control over the referrer
policy, so it may replace ```rel=noreferrer``` fully when browser support is more widely available.
## Installation
npm install vue-markdown-it
Then, you import the Vue component and use it:
import VueMarkdownIt from 'vue-markdown-it';
export default {
name: 'YourComponent',
components: {
data: function() {
return {
markdown: '### Hello world!'
and then you use the component in your template:
<vue-markdown-it :source="markdown" id="some-id" class="my-markdown-class"/>
if you also want syntax highlighting in code blocks to work, you need to:
@import "~highlight.js/styles/default.css";