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[DIR]dist/2023-06-08 13:46 -  
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[   ]LICENSE2023-06-08 13:46 1.0K0fb859dc fixed mobile overflwo options [كارل مبارك]
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[TXT]README.md2023-06-08 13:46 4.2K0fb859dc fixed mobile overflwo options [كارل مبارك]
# markdown-it-vue

[![Build Status](https://travis-ci.org/ravenq/markdown-it-vue.svg?branch=master)](https://travis-ci.org/ravenq/markdown-it-vue)

> The vue lib for markdown-it.

## Demo online


## Install

npm install markdown-it-vue

## Supports

- Image size and Viewer
- Official markdown syntax.
- GFM style
- emoji
- [mermaid charts](http://knsv.github.io/mermaid/)
- [Echarts](http://echarts.baidu.com) **simple only**
- Flowcharts.js
- Subscript/Superscript
- [AsciiMath](http://asciimath.org/)
- info | error | warning message tip

## Plugin list

- markdown-it
- markdown-it-emoji
- markdown-it-sub
- markdown-it-sup
- markdown-it-footnote
- markdown-it-deflist
- markdown-it-abbr
- markdown-it-ins
- markdown-it-mark
- markdown-it-katex
- markdown-it-task-lists
- markdown-it-highlight
- markdown-it-latex
- markdown-it-container
- markdown-it-github-toc
- markdown-it-source-map
- markdown-it-link-attributes

internal plugin list:

- markdown-it-image
- markdown-it-font-awsome
- markdown-it-link-attributes
- markdown-it-highlight
- markdown-it-plugin-echarts
- markdown-it-plugin-mermaid
- markdown-it-plugin-flowchart

## Options

use `options` property to sepcial the options of markdow-it and markdown-it-plugins.

<markdown-it-vue class="md-body" :content="content" :options="options" />

options: {
  markdownIt: {
    linkify: true
  linkAttributes: {
    attrs: {
      target: '_blank',
      rel: 'noopener'

more markdown-it options see <https://markdown-it.github.io/markdown-it/>.

amd default plugins options:

  linkAttributes: {
    attrs: {
      target: '_blank',
      rel: 'noopener'
  katex: {
    throwOnError: false,
    errorColor: '#cc0000'
  icons: 'font-awesome',
  githubToc: {
    tocFirstLevel: 2,
    tocLastLevel: 3,
    tocClassName: 'toc',
    anchorLinkSymbol: '',
    anchorLinkSpace: false,
    anchorClassName: 'anchor',
    anchorLinkSymbolClassName: 'octicon octicon-link'
  mermaid: {
    theme: 'default'
  image: {
    hAlign: 'left',
    viewer: true

## More plugins

it can add your plugin to markdown-it-vue by the `use` method.


## support hilight lang

PR for you lang wich you want.

- html
- json
- css
- shell
- bash
- C
- Java
- Python
- C++
- C#
- R
- Swift
- Go
- Ruby
- Perl
- Objective-C
- Rust
- Dart
- Delphi
- D
- Kotlin
- Scala
- Lisp
- Lua
- Ada
- Fortran
- PowerShell
- VBScript
- VBscript-html
- Groovy
- Julia
- Julia-repl
- Haskell
- ActionScript
- Scheme
- TypeScript
- F#
- Prolog
- Erlang

## image size

![image size](https://http://www.aqcoder.com/ravenq-qr.png =50x50)
![image size](https://http://www.aqcoder.com/ravenq-qr.png =x50)
![image size](https://http://www.aqcoder.com/ravenq-qr.png =50x)

## about echarts

use echarts.simple to reduce the bundle size.

## markdown-it-vue-light

markdown-it-vue-light remove the mermaid chart to reduce the bundle size.


for a small bundle size, it better to import the markdown-it-vue-light.

## Usage

    <markdown-it-vue class="md-body" :content="content" />

import MarkdownItVue from 'markdown-it-vue'
import 'markdown-it-vue/dist/markdown-it-vue.css'
export default {
  components: {
  data() {
    return {
      content: '# your markdown content'

the light model.

    <markdown-it-vue-light class="md-body" :content="content" />

import MarkdownItVueLight from 'markdown-it-vue/dist/markdown-it-vue-light.umd.min.js'
import 'markdown-it-vue/dist/markdown-it-vue-light.css'
export default {
  components: {
  data() {
    return {
      content: '# your markdown content'

## ScreenShot


## License
