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[   ]package.json2023-06-08 13:46 2.0K0fb859dc fixed mobile overflwo options [كارل مبارك]
[   ]levenshtein.js2023-06-08 13:46 3.8K0fb859dc fixed mobile overflwo options [كارل مبارك]
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# fast-levenshtein - Levenshtein algorithm in Javascript

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An efficient Javascript implementation of the [Levenshtein algorithm](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Levenshtein_distance) with locale-specific collator support.

## Features

* Works in node.js and in the browser.
* Better performance than other implementations by not needing to store the whole matrix ([more info](http://www.codeproject.com/Articles/13525/Fast-memory-efficient-Levenshtein-algorithm)).
* Locale-sensitive string comparisions if needed.
* Comprehensive test suite and performance benchmark.
* Small: <1 KB minified and gzipped

## Installation

### node.js

Install using [npm](http://npmjs.org/):

$ npm install fast-levenshtein

### Browser

Using bower:

$ bower install fast-levenshtein

If you are not using any module loader system then the API will then be accessible via the `window.Levenshtein` object.

## Examples

**Default usage**

var levenshtein = require('fast-levenshtein');

var distance = levenshtein.get('back', 'book');   // 2
var distance = levenshtein.get('我愛你', '我叫你');   // 1

**Locale-sensitive string comparisons**

It supports using [Intl.Collator](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/Collator) for locale-sensitive  string comparisons:

var levenshtein = require('fast-levenshtein');

levenshtein.get('mikailovitch', 'Mikhaïlovitch', { useCollator: true});
// 1

## Building and Testing

To build the code and run the tests:

$ npm install -g grunt-cli
$ npm install
$ npm run build

## Performance

_Thanks to [Titus Wormer](https://github.com/wooorm) for [encouraging me](https://github.com/hiddentao/fast-levenshtein/issues/1) to do this._

Benchmarked against other node.js levenshtein distance modules (on Macbook Air 2012, Core i7, 8GB RAM):

Running suite Implementation comparison [benchmark/speed.js]...
>> levenshtein-edit-distance x 234 ops/sec ±3.02% (73 runs sampled)
>> levenshtein-component x 422 ops/sec ±4.38% (83 runs sampled)
>> levenshtein-deltas x 283 ops/sec ±3.83% (78 runs sampled)
>> natural x 255 ops/sec ±0.76% (88 runs sampled)
>> levenshtein x 180 ops/sec ±3.55% (86 runs sampled)
>> fast-levenshtein x 1,792 ops/sec ±2.72% (95 runs sampled)
Benchmark done.
Fastest test is fast-levenshtein at 4.2x faster than levenshtein-component

You can run this benchmark yourself by doing:

$ npm install
$ npm run build
$ npm run benchmark

## Contributing

If you wish to submit a pull request please update and/or create new tests for any changes you make and ensure the grunt build passes.

See [CONTRIBUTING.md](https://github.com/hiddentao/fast-levenshtein/blob/master/CONTRIBUTING.md) for details.

## License

MIT - see [LICENSE.md](https://github.com/hiddentao/fast-levenshtein/blob/master/LICENSE.md)