# emojis-list
> Complete list of standard Unicode Hex Character Code that represent emojis.
**NOTE**: The lists is related with the Unicode Hex Character Code. The representation of the emoji depend of the system. Will be possible that the system don't have all the representations.
## Install
npm install emojis-list --save
## Usage
const emojis = require('emojis-list')
// => 🀄
## Related
* [emojis-unicode](https://github.com/Kikobeats/emojis-unicode) – Complete list of standard Unicode codes that represent emojis.
* [emojis-keywords](https://github.com/Kikobeats/emojis-keywords) – Complete list of am emoji shortcuts.
* [is-emoji-keyword](https://github.com/Kikobeats/is-emoji-keyword) – Check if a word is a emoji shortcut.
* [is-standard-emoji](https://github.com/kikobeats/is-standard-emoji) – Simply way to check if a emoji is a standard emoji.
* [trim-emoji](https://github.com/Kikobeats/trim-emoji) – Deletes ':' from the begin and the end of an emoji shortcut.
## License
MIT © [Kiko Beats](http://www.kikobeats.com)