# Material Colors
Colors from [Google's Material Design](http://www.google.com/design/spec/style/color.html) made available to coders.
The colors are scraped from the guide. The idea to publish colors in multiple forms is stolen from [mrmrs/colors](https://github.com/mrmrs/colors).
## Available Forms
- CSS: Classes for prototyping such as `.color-red-100`, `.bg-red-100`, `.border-red-100`, `.fill-red-100` and `.stroke-red-100`.
- CSS variables such as `--md-red-100`.
- Sass, Scss: Color variables such as `$md-red-100`.
- Less: Color variables such as `@md-red-100`.
- Stylus: Color variables such as `md-red-100`.
- JSON: Raw data of colors. Key names are hypenated. e.g. `deep-purple`
- JavaScript: Color set object provided via AMD, CommonJS or global variable `materialColor`. Key names are camelCase. e.g. `deepPurple`
- EcmaScript module: Color variables are exported as camelCase names.
See [dist directory](dist) or [demo](http://shuheikagawa.com/material-colors/) for more details.
## Usage
### Download
Download what you like from [dist directory](dist) and use it.
### Bower
bower install material-colors
and use what you like in `bower_components/material-colors/dist`.
### NPM
npm install material-colors