# node-dirty
## Purpose
A tiny & fast key value store with append-only disk log. Ideal for apps with < 1 million records.
## Installation
npm install dirty
## Why dirty?
This module is called dirty because:
* The file format is newline separated JSON
* Your database lives in the same process as your application, they share memory
* There is no query language, you just `forEach` through all records
So dirty means that you will hit a very hard wall with this database after ~1 million records,
but it is a wonderful solution for anything smaller than that.
## Tutorial
var Dirty = require('dirty');
var db = new Dirty('user.db');
db.on('load', function() {
db.set('john', {eyes: 'blue'});
console.log('Added john, he has %s eyes.', db.get('john').eyes);
db.set('bob', {eyes: 'brown'}, function() {
console.log('User bob is now saved on disk.')
db.forEach(function(key, val) {
console.log('Found key: %s, val: %j', key, val);
db.on('drain', function() {
console.log('All records are saved on disk now.');
Added john, he has blue eyes.
Found key: john, val: {"eyes":"blue"}
Found key: bob, val: {"eyes":"brown"}
User bob is now saved on disk.
All records are saved on disk now.
## API
### new Dirty([path])
Creates a new dirty database. If `path` does not exist yet, it is created. You
can also omit the `path` if you don't want disk persistence (useful for testing).
### dirty.path
The path of the dirty database.
### dirty.set(key, value, [cb])
Set's the given `key` / `val` pair. The state of the database is affected instantly,
the optional `cb` callback is fired when the record was written to disk.
`val` can be any JSON-serializable type, it does not have to be an object.
### dirty.get(key)
Retrieves the value for the given `key`.
### dirty.rm(key, cb)
Removes the record with the given `key`. This is identical to setting the `key`'s value
to `undefined`.
### dirty.update(key, updater, [cb])
Updates the record of the given `key` with the given `updater` which is a function
that is passed the current value of the key.
The optional `cb` callback is passed to `dirty.set`.
### dirty.forEach(fn)
Calls the given `fn` function for every document in the database. The passed
arguments are `key` and `val`. You can return `false` to abort a query (useful
if you are only interested in a limited number of records).
This function is blocking and runs at ~4 Mhz.
### dirty.close()
Close the dirty db file handle.
### dirty event: 'load' (length)
Emitted once the database file has finished loading. It is not safe to access
records before this event fires. Writing records however should be fine.
`length` is the amount of records the database is holding. This only counts each
key once, even if it had been overwritten.
You can chain the on load to the contructor as follows:
var db = dirty(file).on('load', function() { ... });
### dirty event: 'drain' ()
Emitted whenever all records have been written to disk.
### dirty event: 'read_close' ()
Emitted once the database file read stream closed.
### dirty event : 'write_close' ()
Emitted once the database file write stream closed.
## Tests
Dirty utilizes the [Mocha](http://mochajs.org/) test framework.
git clone https://github.com/felixge/node-dirty
cd node-dirty
npm install
npm test
## License
node-dirty is licensed under the MIT license.