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<img src="./logo/logo-web.svg" width="348.61" height="100" alt=""/>
# SVGO [](https://npmjs.org/package/svgo) [](https://discord.gg/z8jX8NYxrE) [](https://svgo.dev/)
SVGO, short for **SVG O**ptimizer, is a Node.js library and command-line application for optimizing SVG files.
## Why?
SVG files, especially those exported from vector editors, usually contain a lot of redundant information. This includes editor metadata, comments, hidden elements, default or suboptimal values, and other stuff that can be safely removed or converted without impacting rendering.
## Installation
You can install SVGO globally through npm, yarn, or pnpm. Alternatively, drop the global flag (`global`/`-g`) to use it in your Node.js project.
# npm
npm install -g svgo
# yarn
yarn global add svgo
# pnpm
pnpm add -g svgo
## Command-line usage
Process single files:
svgo one.svg two.svg -o one.min.svg two.min.svg
Process a directory of files recursively with `-f`/`--folder`:
svgo -f path/to/directory_with_svgs -o path/to/output_directory
Help for advanced usage:
svgo --help
## Configuration
SVGO has a plugin architecture. You can read more about all plugins in [Plugins | SVGO Documentation](https://svgo.dev/docs/plugins/), and the default plugins in [Preset Default | SVGO Documentation](https://svgo.dev/docs/preset-default/).
SVGO reads the configuration from `svgo.config.js` or the `--config path/to/config.js` command-line option. Some other parameters can be configured though command-line options too.
module.exports = {
multipass: false, // boolean
datauri: 'base64', // 'base64'|'enc'|'unenc'
js2svg: {
indent: 4, // number
pretty: false, // boolean
plugins: [
'preset-default', // built-in plugins enabled by default
'prefixIds', // enable built-in plugins by name
// enable built-in plugins with an object to configure plugins
name: 'prefixIds',
params: {
prefix: 'uwu',
### Default preset
Instead of configuring SVGO from scratch, you can tweak the default preset to suit your needs by configuring or disabling the respective plugin.
module.exports = {
plugins: [
name: 'preset-default',
params: {
overrides: {
// disable a default plugin
removeViewBox: false,
// customize the params of a default plugin
inlineStyles: {
onlyMatchedOnce: false,
You can find a list of the default plugins in the order they run in [Preset Default | SVGO Documentation](https://svgo.dev/docs/preset-default/#plugins-list).
### Custom plugins
You can also specify custom plugins:
const importedPlugin = require('./imported-plugin');
module.exports = {
plugins: [
// plugin imported from another JavaScript file
// plugin defined inline
name: 'customPlugin',
params: {
paramName: 'paramValue',
fn: (ast, params, info) => {},
## API usage
SVGO provides a few low level utilities.
### optimize
The core of SVGO is `optimize` function.
const { optimize } = require('svgo');
const result = optimize(svgString, {
path: 'path-to.svg', // recommended
multipass: true, // all other config fields are available here
const optimizedSvgString = result.data;
### loadConfig
If you write a tool on top of SVGO you may want to resolve the `svgo.config.js` file.
const { loadConfig } = require('svgo');
const config = await loadConfig();
You can also specify a path and customize the current working directory.
const config = await loadConfig(configFile, cwd);
## Other ways to use SVGO
| Method | Reference |
| ------------------------- | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| Web app | [SVGOMG](https://jakearchibald.github.io/svgomg/) |
| Grunt task | [grunt-svgmin](https://github.com/sindresorhus/grunt-svgmin) |
| Gulp task | [gulp-svgmin](https://github.com/ben-eb/gulp-svgmin) |
| Webpack loader | [image-minimizer-webpack-plugin](https://github.com/webpack-contrib/image-minimizer-webpack-plugin/#optimize-with-svgo) |
| PostCSS plugin | [postcss-svgo](https://github.com/cssnano/cssnano/tree/master/packages/postcss-svgo) |
| Inkscape plugin | [inkscape-svgo](https://github.com/konsumer/inkscape-svgo) |
| Sketch plugin | [svgo-compressor](https://github.com/BohemianCoding/svgo-compressor) |
| Rollup plugin | [rollup-plugin-svgo](https://github.com/porsager/rollup-plugin-svgo) |
| Visual Studio Code plugin | [vscode-svgo](https://github.com/1000ch/vscode-svgo) |
| Atom plugin | [atom-svgo](https://github.com/1000ch/atom-svgo) |
| Sublime plugin | [Sublime-svgo](https://github.com/1000ch/Sublime-svgo) |
| Figma plugin | [Advanced SVG Export](https://www.figma.com/c/plugin/782713260363070260/Advanced-SVG-Export) |
| Linux app | [Oh My SVG](https://github.com/sonnyp/OhMySVG) |
| Browser extension | [SVG Gobbler](https://github.com/rossmoody/svg-gobbler) |
| API | [Vector Express](https://github.com/smidyo/vectorexpress-api#convertor-svgo) |
## Donors
| [<img src="https://sheetjs.com/sketch128.png" width="80">](https://sheetjs.com/) | [<img src="https://raw.githubusercontent.com/fontello/fontello/8.0.0/fontello-image.svg" width="80">](https://fontello.com/) |
| :------------------------------------------------------------------------------: | :--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------: |
| [SheetJS LLC](https://sheetjs.com/) | [Fontello](https://fontello.com/) |
## License and Copyright
This software is released under the terms of the [MIT license](https://github.com/svg/svgo/blob/main/LICENSE).
Logo by [André Castillo](https://github.com/DerianAndre).