120707f added node version q18.16 to dependincies [كارل مبارك]
# multi-buffer-data-view
**A wrapper around the native DataView which can handle multiple ArrayBuffers.**
This module provides a wrapper around the native DataView. But instead of supporting only one ArrayBuffer as the backing memory the `MultiBufferDataView` exported by this module can operate across multiple ArrayBuffers.
## Usage
The `multi-buffer-data-view` module is available on [npm](https://www.npmjs.com/package/multi-buffer-data-view) and can be installed as usual.
npm install multi-buffer-data-view
It exports only one class called `MultiBufferDataView` which can be imported like this:
import { MultiBufferDataView } from 'multi-buffer-data-view';
A `MultiBufferDataView` behaves almost like a native DataView with the notable exception that it can handle multiple ArrayBuffers.
const anArrayBuffer = new ArrayBuffer(23);
const anotherArrayBuffer = new ArrayBuffer(41);
new MultiBufferDataView([anArrayBuffer, anotherArrayBuffer]);
The little example above will create a `MultiBufferDataView` which uses all 64 bytes that are available in the given ArrayBuffers. However it is also possible to limit the range of accessible bytes by providing a `byteOffset` or a `byteLength` as additional arguments.
new MultiBufferDataView([anArrayBuffer, anotherArrayBuffer], 12, 24);
When creating a `MultiBufferDataView` with the parameters above it will only use the last 11 bytes of the first ArrayBuffer and the first 13 bytes of the second ArrayBuffer.